LCRU is a committee of volunteers tasked with issues relating to the common property and the community as a whole.

Volunteerism has always been a staple of pride in our little community. Neighbors stepping up, offering their tools, labor, and talents to care for, maintain, and improve our common areas and street fixtures is something that often goes unnoticed. But if you look out at the curbs and notice a lack of weeds popping up, that's because someone has been spraying all summer. If you walk your dog at night to the front entrance and notice motion security lights coming on, that's because someone has installed those for your benefit. If the light is out on the sign one night and a couple nights later back on, that's because someone has changed the bulb. If one day you see new brilliant colors on our two Lovinggood Landing signs, a neighbor has meticulously re-painted them. If the path is not covered in leaves, someone has cleared it. If one day the end cap dock boards are not warping up, a neighbor of yours has screwed them back down. If you notice new annuals planted by the entrance, a neighbor has made a proposal to the BOD, gotten approval, then bought the plants, got dirty and planted.

In addition to the ongoing maintenance tasks, there are new challenges on the horizon that will have an impact on our community and our common areas. These are topics where we need to forecast what is coming and begin to formulate plans and strategy.

Our volunteer numbers have grown, and there are too many names to list. THANK YOU to all of you who selflessly volunteer in this community. How uniquely special you are. It's a privilege to share this address with you. It is intangible, non-quantifiable, unheralded sweat equity that benefits our whole community.



We now have a SignUp Genius board for Lovinggood restoration, maintenance, and installation projects. We need LCRU Volunteers to get SIGNED UP!

Please click on the SignUp Genius Link and read through the projects slated for completion.

There are usually items pertaining to all of our common property areas that need addressed.